Myles Dawborn

My passion for technology started when I received my first game console in the year 2000. The love for all things tech related continued to grow and in 2017, I studied and completed a BS.c IT at Pearson's Institute of Higher Education.

It was in my last semester that I started my Android App development journey in Java and have continued to hone my Android development skills.

β€œThe more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” ― Albert Einstein

"Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than master of one" ― Unknown

Albert Einstein encapsulates Java and Android perfectly while the latter quote is an epitome of my life and how I live it. This has led me on the road to becoming a full-stack Android app developer as I continue to learn and embrace everything Java, Android and mobile development has to offer... in short, constantly expanding.


Android app development using Android Studio

Simplistic, effective Java Programming

Integration of feature rich Firebase, in app development

Self-created and modified designs to create unique apps

Git repository version control through Github

Constant self-teaching and improving from great tools

Android App Designer & Developer

Johannesburg, South Africa.